The Education Innovation Fund for India (EIFI)

Activities: Education,Others
The Education Innovation Fund for India (EIFI) works for a transformative change in India. Its purpose is to identify and nurture significant innovative ideas and projects in education that can be developed and scaled to the next level of operation, so as to create the Next Future
The Education Innovation Fund for India (EIFI) is a collaborative project between the HP Office of Global Social Innovation and the India Council for Integral Education (ICIE), an initiative of the Sri Aurobindo Society. The purpose of EIFI is to identify and collaborate with significant innovative ideas and projects in education that can be developed and scaled to the next level of operation, with the sponsorship of an EIFI Grant. The grants will be awarded to organisations and students.
Grants for non-profits/ educational institutions/ organizations
An organisation can apply for any one of the following two categories:

1 Crore Grant: This category will include projects that require funding of up to ₹1 crore. This is the largest grant amount being given to one organization by EIFI. Only one organization will be selected for this grant and it will be called the ‘Most Promising Project in Educational Innovation’.
15 Lakhs Grants: Projects that need funding of up to ₹15 lakhs will fall under this category. This grant will be given to 15 organisations.
The applications for both grants can be under one or more of the following sub-categories:
Innovation in education
Information technology
Social process
Replication of cutting edge innovations from other countries and culture
Any other ‘out-of-box’ solutions
Proposal submissions can be for any of the following levels of education: Kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, undergraduate, post-graduation, PhD, laboratory schools, adult learning, distance teaching/learning and non-formal education.
The categories for grants for organizations are as follows:
1. Innovation in education
This category includes projects that have demonstrated excellence as pilot, model or research projects and are capable of being scaled up or replicated in mass education efforts. A project at the idea or pilot stage which involves an innovative idea will fall under this category.
 2. Information Technology
This category includes projects that use information technology including hardware, software or integrated solutions. The projects should meet any of the following criteria:
· Solutions that significantly upgrade the quality or lower the cost of an existing product or process in the education system.
 Solutions that make an existing process or products more efficient in terms of time, energy, cost or availability.
Solutions that involve digitalization or other integration of technology into education that will bring a big change into the system.
Solutions that increase delivery and quality of rural education.
Solutions that promote inclusion and support of unique learners i.e. differently enabled students.
Solutions that promote value based learning and character building as a part of the overall learning content in mass environments.
Solutions successful in other countries which can be introduced in India with suitable modifications.
3. Pedagogy
This category includes curriculum content, educational methodology and classroom processes or individual learning systems. Submissions under this category can include any of the following:
 An idea that is in model, pilot or laboratory stage and is ready for implementation at a new level or scale.
Qualitatively improved practices that bring change in the existing pedagogy system. Training for teachers/facilitators for the new pedagogy system.
Creative use of integral education or other holistic, person-centred learning practices.
New curriculum structures and methods of delivery of such curriculum.
4. Social Process
Any process or applied idea that involves the community or the public at a mass level to bring about social change in educational environments.
Modes of reaching out to people and children that integrate education with the life of the community, and are replicable and scalable to communities across India.
5. Replication of cutting edge innovations from other countries and cultures
Technology transfer from a robust innovation in another country or culture that may make education in India "better, faster or more cost effective."
Enhancement of such existing technology transfer efforts which are still in the pilot, model or laboratory stage and have the potential to be scaled up towards mass implementation.
 6. Any other
"Out-of-the-box", creative, imaginative, or visionary solutions can be included under this category. The proposed solutions must be such that they can be demonstrated and assessed as part of the initial pilot, model or laboratory stage.
Eligibility Criteria
· The applicant must be affiliated to or be part of a not for profit organization, holding a 12A Income Tax exemption.
· Only one proposal can be submitted per organization.
· The applicant must be a citizen of India and must reside in the country during the period of the grant.
· Work should be original or the origin of the idea should be clearly mentioned in the application. Copied proposals will be rejected and risk the rejection of all similar proposals.
for further information you can write to  aishwarya@eifi.aurosociety.org

How to Apply
You need to create an email id to work further on the application process.  The link is given below:
For further details  visit source: http://www.eifiaurosociety.org

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