Information and Communication Technology [ICT] in School

Name of the SchemeInformation and Communication Technology [ICT] in School
Sponsored byBoth: Central & State Government
Funding PatternInformation and Communication Technology [ICT] in School scheme, the Union Government would provide 75% of financial assistance to State/UTs. The balance 25% of funds would be contributed by the State Governments/UTs.
DescriptionThis scheme aims to provide opportunities to secondary stage students to develop Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and also for ICT aided learning process. It enables widespread availability of access devices, connectivity to the Internet and promotion of ICT literacy.
Benefit TypeMaterial,
Eligibility criteriaEach State Government/ Union Territory would convert one school per district into a smart school subject to availability of funds. A grant of not more than Rs.25 lakhs would be given per smart school. This limit may be reviewed in the future, if needed. A sum of Rs.2.5 lakhs shall be provided as recurring costs which includes maintenance, consumable, internet useage and monitoring costs.
How to AvailThe financial assistance is given to States and other institutions on the basis of the approvals accorded by Project Monitoring and Evaluation Group (PM&EG) headed by Secretary of the Department of School Education and Literacy.
Validity of the Scheme
Introduced On01 / 04 / 2010
Valid Upto07 / 10 / 2011
Reference URL

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